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Alan Blanco to be a panelist at PANO workshop

Alan Blanco has been invited to be a panelist at “Diversity, Inclusion, and the Shifting Landscape of Southwest PA” on November 2, 2018. The event is hosted by Pennsylvania Association of Non-Profit Organizations (PANO) and offered in Partnership with: Frank Sarris Public Library and Allegheny County Library Association.

As the nation continues to grow more diverse, so, too, does the population here in south west PA. For many, it’s hard to know where to start when it comes to adapting to our changing demographics – whether we work in the for-profit, nonprofit, or government sector. In an ever-changing environment, how do we confront our own internal biases? And what role can we all play in shaping the environment? In making our communities more welcoming? In leveraging the power of diverse voices in our work to make our commonwealth a better place?

Join PANO and our southwest PA partners for this half-day program that will bring these questions and more to life through candid sharing of experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes. This community conversation will feature:

  1. A panel discussion of diverse voices representing the for-profit, government, and nonprofit sectors
  2. A thought-provoking workshop facilitated by PublicSource
  3. Opportunities for networking
  4. Time and space to draw out the wisdom in the room – because all of your voices as attendees are just as important as those in the front of the room
  5. Breakfast!
For more information or to register, visit PANO.
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