Financial Institutions
June 27, 2016
Legal Counsel to Banks, Credit Unions, Trust Companies and Mortgage Companies
Rothman Gordon lawyers counsel local, regional, and national financial institutions, including banks, trust companies, credit unions and mortgage companies with respect to customer and commercial loans, financing, collection, bankruptcy, and related matters. Working in conjunction with lawyers in our Real Estate and Estates, Trusts & Taxation departments, we provide financial institutions with a wide range of services, including:
- Compliance with Federal and State Regulations;
- Compliance with and Responding to Regulatory Orders;
- Updating By-Laws and Corporate Records;
- Analysis and Revision of Policies and Procedures;
- Analysis and Preparation of Employee Handbooks and Personnel Policies;
- Preparation and Review of Contracts;
- Employment Issues;
- Real Estate Issues;
- Pursuit of Bond Claims;
- Corporate Compliance Audits;
- Mergers;
- Field of Membership Expansion;
- Bankruptcy/Collection Issues;
- Foreclosures; and
- Proofs of Claim.