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Pittsburgh Paid Sick Days Act takes effect March 15, 2020

January 7, 2020

woman blowing noseThe PA Supreme Court held that the City of Pittsburgh’s City Code Chapter 626, “Paid Sick Days Act” (PSDA) can be enacted. The law will go into effect on March 15, 2020 and provides all full and part-time employees in the City of Pittsburgh with paid sick leave.

All full and part-time employees working within the City are considered covered employees. This includes employees who are located outside of the city but conduct most of their business in the city, such as truck drivers or delivery services. The Paid Sick Days Act does not include independent contractors, State or Federal employees, any member of a construction union covered by a collective bargaining unit, or seasonal employees.

The Paid Sick Days Act requires companies with 15 or more employees to offer up to 40 hours of paid sick time per year. Companies with fewer than 15 workers must offer at least 24 hours of paid sick time. Official guidelines have been issued and will be enforced by the Mayor’s Office of Equity (MOE).

Additional Highlights of the Paid Sick Day Act

Employers shall retain records required under the PSDA documenting hours worked by Employees and Sick Time taken by Covered Employees for a period of two (2) years.

Employers can require that employees submit documentation of the reason for using sick time only if the employee uses three or more consecutive days of leave.

An Employer shall display a sign at each worksite that provides notice of employee rights to Sick Time under the PSDA, available limits, and terms of use.

Employers do not have to pay out accrued, unused sick time at the end of employment.

Companies may also want to consult with their attorney about the changes and/or updating their employee handbook.

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