Non-Compete Agreements
If you need help with Non-Compete Agreements, contact us online or call us at (412) 338-1144.
Non-compete agreements are often included as part of an employment contract or a severance agreement. These agreements restrict your right to compete with your former employer within certain geographic boundaries and time frames and can have a significant impact on your career. Many people mistakenly believe non-competes are not enforceable and therefore sign without carefully reviewing the contract. However, as long as they are reasonable, non-compete agreements are enforceable in Pennsylvania and can drastically impact your future career opportunities. That is why it is so important to have an experienced employment lawyer review your contract BEFORE you sign it.
Negotiation and Litigation of Non-compete Contracts
A non-compete agreement may be a clause in an employment contract or a severance agreement or it may be a separate document. If you have been asked to sign a non-compete, whether when you begin employment or at termination, you have a right to seek legal counsel. The best time to negotiate a non-compete agreement is at the beginning of your relationship with your employer, but we have assisted people at all stages of their employment relationship in renegotiating their non-compete agreement. Our Pittsburgh employment lawyers will review your non-compete and determine if it is reasonable. If it imposes unreasonable restrictions on you, we will negotiate with your employer for less restrictive terms.
Even if the non-compete agreement is not enforceable, it may affect your job search, as not only you, but your new employer, may be subject to legal action if found in violation of the contract. We represent employees in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania who have been sued by their former employer for violating a non-compete agreement. With more than a quarter-century of experience in the courtroom, we have a deep understanding of employment law and the litigation skill needed to protect your rights.
Before you sign a non-compete agreement, call our employment attorneys at (412) 338-1144 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers.